Doug Steinmetz
Preservation Architect |
Over forty years of experience in the field of preservation architecture forms the foundation of Doug’s professional career which began in Rochester, New York. Doug’s architectural experience includes a wide range of project types completed within the guidelines of The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. This experience has helped numerous clients understand and effectively address preservation and adaptive re-use issues in their buildings, enabling the successful completion of projects in a wide range of sectors including homeowners, not for profits, public works, county governments, museums and universities. Several preservation projects with which Doug has been associated have received recognition awards for preservation work. Work at the Muscatine County Courthouse is featured as the cover story in Clem Labine’s TRADITIONAL BUILDING magazine (April 2013).
In addition to helping our clients, Doug also provides Historic Preservation Technical Assistance offered through the State of Iowa’s Technical Advisory Network grant program. He has received specialized training from the National Park Service for projects involving rehabilitation tax credits and has consulted with FEMA on appropriate treatments for historic buildings damaged by disaster events. Doug and his wife, Joan, have 2 grown children and 2 grandchildren. Doug and Joan enjoy traveling, hiking, bicycling, skiing and kayaking. Doug plays viola in the Cedar Rapids Community Orchestra where he also serves as President of the Board and serves on the Board of Trustees for Brucemore, serving as the chairperson of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Projects: Kahl Building/Capitol Theatre Davenport, IA LeClair Hall, St Ambrose University, Davenport, IA Amana Woolen Mill (Preservation Consultant) Amana, IA Corning Opera House, Corning IA Davis County Courthouse, Bloomfield, IA Fred Maytag bowl, Newton, IA Jasper county Courthouse, Newton, IA Muscatine County Courthouse, Muscatine, IA Fowler Building, Waterloo, IA Althea Sherman Chimney Swifts’ Tower, Buchanan, IA |